Legends of the Baltic States in art

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Secret Love at the Swedish Gate in Old Riga, Latvia

Secret Love at the Swedish Gate in Old Riga, Latvia

The Swedish Gate as a popular destination for lovers
The legend says that they were a Swedish soldier and a girl from Riga. Although the couple only met secretly, one day they were caught. As punishment for not tolerating their relationship, they were both walled up alive in the Swedish Gate. They say that one can hear them say “I love you” at midnight and midday.

I am glad that my partner, a former resident of Riga (like me), a wonderful choreographer Ilona Sidorova, is actively involved in the project)) I barely have time to switch from modelling to marketing and web design))) Ilona thanks! It will be great!

Art Project: Legends of the Baltic States in art

Thanks to the support of the Baltic press and Russian-speaking mass media:
@Dmitry Mart @Scaramange @rus.delfi.lv @YouTube @LinkedIn @Instagram @7secrets
Press from other countries you are Welcome)
We invite everyone to participate and cooperate (as well as investing in our project).
e-mail: jukaconsulting@gmail.com
FB: @Ilona Sidorova @Jurita AGSA Art

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